Maharishi Ayurveda Recipes: Food Guidelines for Pitta Dosha
Please note: These guidelines provided in this table are for general reference only. Please consult with your physician for specific recommendations best suited for your health needs. Specific adjustments for individual requirements may need to be made, e.g., food allergies, strength of agni, season of the year and degree of dosha predominance or aggravation. Please note: a single asterisk indicates: *okay in moderation, a double asterisk indicates: ** okay rarely
Before making any changes to your diet, it is recommended that you check with your physician. This Ayurvedic dietary guide is educational and is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.
For more information about the Ayurvedic intellectual understanding about the Kapha body-type see this page for more information on: Pitta
FRUITS Yes Generally most sweet fruit |
FRUITS No Generally most sour fruit |
VEGETABLES Yes Generally most sweet & bitter vegetables |
VEGETABLES No Generally most pungent vegetables |
apples (sweet) applesauce apricots (sweet) avocado berries (sweet) cherries (sweet) coconut dates figs grapes (red & purple) limes* mangoes (ripe) melons oranges (sweet) papaya* pears pineapple (sweet) pomegranates prunes raisins watermelon |
apples (sour) apricots (sour) bananas berries (sour) cherries (sour) cranberries grapefruit grapes (green) kiwi** lemons mangos (green) oranges (sour) peaches persimmons pineapple (sour) plums (sour) rhubarb strawberries tamarind |
artichoke asparagus beets (cooked) bitter melon broccoli brussels sprouts cabbage carrots (cooked) carrots (raw)* cauliflower celery cilantro cucumber dandelion greens fennel (anise) green beans jerusalem artichoke kale leafy greens leeks (cooked) lettuce okra olives, black onions (cooked) parsley parsnips peas peppers, sweet potatoes, sweet & white |
beet greens beets raw burdock root corn (fresh)** daikon radish eggplant** garlic green chilies horseradish kohlrabi** leeks (raw) mustard greens olives, green onions (raw) peppers (hot) prickly pear (fruit) radishes (raw) spinach (cooked)** spinach (raw) tomatoes turnip greens turnips |