Rose Petal Preserve
Divine aroma — delicious taste
According to Ayurvedic wisdom,…
Maharishi Ayurveda Recipes: Food Guidelines for Kapha
Please note: These guidelines provided in this table are for…
Maharishi Ayurveda Recipes: Food Guidelines for Pitta Dosha
Please note: These guidelines provided in this table are for…
Maharishi Ayurveda Recipes: Food Guidelines for Vata Dosha
Please note: These guidelines provided in this table are for…
Bhat S, Lavekar GS. Ayurvedic approach to pathya (ideal diet…
Does Ayurveda have any risks?
Most Ayurvedic therapies, such as pranayama and rasayana, are…
What is Ayurveda good for?
The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to prevent diseases. Studies…
What to Expect from Ayuvredic Treatment
Ayurvedic treatment focuses on rebalancing the doshas. On your…
Ayurveda: How Does it Work?
Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, according to Ayurvedic…
The Three Seasons of Pasta
Pasta tossed with sautéed vegetables, besides being delicious,…
Rose Petal Recipes
Rose Petal Preserve
Rose Petal Preserve can be added to milk…
Maharishi Vedic Approach To Health Consultations
Maharishi Vedic Approach To Health Consultations
In order to…
Examples of the 6 tastes
Examples of the Six Tastes:
Most grains such as wheat,…