Daily Routine
Maharishi Ayurveda Daily Routine
Evacuate bowels and bladder.
Clean teeth. Clean or scrape tongue.
Oil massage to head, body, and soles of feet.
Shave and cut nails.
Gargle with sesame oil.
Bathe or shower.
Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program including Yogic Flying.
Exercise according to individual recommendations.
Wear clean and comfortable dress suitable to season and activity.
Light breakfast
Work or study.
Lunch: Diet balanced according to constitutional type and individual recommendations.
Brief rest after lunch.
Work or study.
Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program including Yogic Flying.
Supper: Diet balanced according to constitutional type and individual recommendations.
Pleasant, relaxing activity.
Early to bed by 10 p.m.