Entries by Wellspring Health

Nourishing Rice

Nourishing Rice Recipe Ingredients: ½ cup rice (whole grain is best) 1 cup water ½ teaspoon ghee Directions: 1.Rinse rice with water 2.Boil water 3.Add rice and ghee, stir once, […]


Nasya Nasya should be performed once or twice a day. If once a day, it can be done either in the morning or the afternoon. If twice a day, it […]

Mung Dahl

Mung Dahl Why Mung Dahl? Seasoned with Vata-, Pitta-, or Kapha-pacifying spices, mung dahl is a nutritious soup for lunch or dinner. Ingredients: 1 ½ cups split mung dahl 3 […]


Lauki (Loki) Why Lauki? This vegetable is excellent for balancing liver function for most people. It helps the body process food for maximum nutrition and assimilation. Lauki squash resembles yellow […]


Lassi Why Lassi? Lassi (pronounced LAH-see) is fresh yogurt blended with room temperature water. Yogurt by itself can clog the channels of the digestive and elimination systems, but once it […]


Why Kalonji? Kalonji are the small black seeds of the Love-in-a-Mist plant. Sometimes they are confused with onion seeds or black cumin or caraway. The seeds are deep black and […]

Hung Yogurt

Hung Yogurt Why Hung Yogurt? Hung yogurt makes a tasty substitute for cheese, and is easy to make with freshly prepared yogurt. Ingredients: 1 ½ cups freshly prepared yogurt 3 […]

Ghee (Clarified Butter)

Ghee Ghee is clarified butter. It may be ordered through Maharishi Ayur-Veda Products international (MAPI). It may also be purchased at delicatessens, natural food stores, or Indian groceries in your […]

Fresh Yogurt

Fresh Yogurt Why Fresh Yogurt? Freshly prepared yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that helps digestion and strengthens the immune system. Store-bought or left-over yogurt is difficult to digest and contains little […]

Examples of the 6 tastes

Examples of the Six Tastes: Sweet: Most grains such as wheat, rice, barley, and corn Pulses (legumes), i.e. beans, lentils, and peas Milk and sweet milk products such as ghee, […]


Buttermilk Why Buttermilk? This buttermilk recipe is very different from what you normally think of as buttermilk. This recipe is often used to restore beneficial bacteria in the body. It […]

Baked Fennel Seeds

Baked Fennel Seeds Why Baked Fennel Seeds? This recipe enhances your digestive fires. It simultaneously balances Pitta in the mind and body, and has a special Anuloma effect, restoring the […]

Daily Routine

Maharishi Ayurveda Daily Routine MorningArise early in the morning before 6 a.m. Evacuate bowels and bladder. Clean teeth. Clean or scrape tongue. Oil massage to head, body, and soles of […]